E x p e r i e n c e s
Taste Etna in a Gin

Listen to the subtle rustling of the wind through the fir fronds. Inspire the high altitude sparkling air. Enjoy the Volcano herbaceous and mineral note.
Welcome to Etna, this is your Volcano Gin experience.
Find Volcano Gin
F i n d V o l c a n o G i n
Taste Volcano Gin straight or mixed in a delicious cocktail; Dry, Dirty or Rosé?
Find out the nearest place to enjoy Volcano Gin. Follow the fascinating Etna vibes…
G i n M a k i n g T o u r
It took us 67 official tests before reaching the perfection of Etna’s first gin. Now that we’ve found it, enjoy the unforgettable experience of the gin-making tour. Volcano Gin is a blend of different indigenous elements that find balance after a long search. Take a look behind the scenes of Volcano Gin.
Coming soon
Volcano Tasting
V o l c a n o T a s t i n g
Volcano Tasting
Taste gin as well as a great Etna wine and let yourself be enchanted by a perfect balance among the Volcano botanicals and the incredible feminine energy of Etna.
Coming soon
V o l c a n o i n L o v e
Wherever you will go… Volcano Gin will follow you with an amazing aperitif with Volcano Etna flavours. Volcano Gin combined with its Sicilian Tonic Water and local products as known as “calia siciliana” will spice up your journey of taste.
Coming soon
M a s t e r c l a s s
Coming soon
V o l c a n o F l u o P a r t y
Volcano Fluo Limited Edition makes your nights shining and spicy!
Fluo bottle and tumbler glasses to amaze your guests and stay in their memories forever!