O u r S t o r y

Volcano Gin comes from a springtime sunset stroll through the slopes of Mount Etna. Our experience as sommeliers allow us to create a product that tells the story of our Etna through a gin: a blend of various elements that, as well as wine, brings together territory and vision in a glass.

Every detail of Volcano Gin is a tribute to the art of drinking. The narrative of Etna through the gin is expressed in the aesthetics of the robust glass, the result of meticulous design. The lava stone cap is a small masterpiece of craftsmanship from Piedimonte Etneo, made from 95% volcanic lava fragments. Each bottle of Volcano Gin brings a piece of Etna to you, anywhere you are.

Volcano Gin

T h e o r i g i n s o f V o l c a n o G i n

Volcano Gin

V o l c a n o G i n p r i z e s , e v e n t s a n d a w a r d s o v e r t h e y e a r s

Volcano's People

F r o m t h e w o r l d o f w i n e t o t h e U n i v e r s e o f G I N

Volcanos People

Alessandro Malfitana

Director Of Communications & Project Manager

Diego Pollicina

Director of Commercial and Marketing

Stefano Lo Giudice

Director of International Markets


T h e o r i g i n s o f V o l c a n o G i n

The gathering of botanicals.

We gather juniper on the northern slopes of Mount Etna between September and November, making broom the primary reference botanical.

Cold Compound

After the distillation of the grains, we perform a cold infusion (cold compound) with hazelnut, the herbal notes of wild fennel, and bitter orange, which imparts a touch of acidity.

Distillation at the Foot of Mount Etna

The artisanal production of Volcano Gin takes place in Santa Venerina, at the oldest distillery in Sicily, Mastro Mariano.

Art in a bottle

V o l c a n o G i n L i m i t e d E d i t i o n

Custom Your Volcano Gin Bottle: Share your idea with our artist and let Volcano Gin tell your story.

Custom Your Volcano Gin Bottle: Share your idea with our artist and let Volcano Gin tell your story.

Volcano is Sicily

Volcano is Woman

Volcano is Pride